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These golden apple are characterised by their beautiful bright yellow pigment, which is caused by the fact that sunlight does not reach the individual Toki Apple. The skin is thin and the flesh is crisp, firm and juicy on the inside with a pleasant balance of sweetness and a rich fruit aroma. And because they stay on the tree longer, golden fuji have a more pronounced honey-like, sweet flavour than red fuji.
When exposed to air, the inner flesh of this apple browns quickly. To minimise browning significantly, soak the cut fruit in a salted water solution (one-half teaspoon of kosher salt per cup of water) for 10 minutes, then drain and refrigerate until ready to use. Rinse the fruit with tap water before eating to remove the faint salt taste.
Toki apples are best eaten raw, as their sweet and acidic flavour is best when eaten fresh and out of hand. The yellow-green fruit can be quartered and served as an appetiser with nuts, cheese and dried fruit, sliced thinly and layered into sandwiches, grated into a crunchy slaw, or served whole and dipped in candy or caramel for dessert.
• Lowers high cholesterol
• Lowers blood pressure
• Regulates digestion
• Supports a healthy immune system
• Helps prevent cancer
• Diabetes friendly
• Low in calories
• Prevents Alzheimer's disease
• Good for bone health
• Protects your brain
• Helps fight asthma
• Good source of antioxidants
Rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin K, vitamin B1, B2, B6, fibre and potassium
Common Names: Sun Fuji, Japanese Yellow-skinned Toki Apple, Golden Delicious Apple, 金苹果, 日本种植, 林檎,
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